Welcome to my blog!
Welcome to my blog#
Hey! So I finally decided to write a blog :D Hope I will be consistent and soon it will contain more content. But first let me introduce myself. My name is Pawel Baturo. I am a software developer and IT consultant based in Torun, Poland. As a passionate learner, I am interested in Retro Programming and the .NET environment, and I love to share my knowledge and insights with others. In addition to my love for computers, I also enjoy playing the guitar. This blog is dedicated to my passions and to reinforcing my learning.
My general plan is to share my latest achievements and learnings related to retro programming, mostly for the classic computer of all time, Commodore 64, but not limited to it. To write this blog, I decided to use Pelican a Static Site Generating tool. It seems to have all I need and it is written in Python, which I like as well. Pelican also supports AsciiDoc, which was also a goal for me to experiment with. However, I haven't managed to run it yet, but I hope one day, I will figure it out, how to configure it. Even using ChatGPT wasn't able to help. And of course, experimenting with tools like ChatGPT and Pelican is also exciting and presents another opportunity to learn something. So maybe I will share some thoughts about them as well. But for now, let's focus on retro development. By the way ChatGPT recommends to give a brief explanation about it, since not all readers may be familiar with it. Is it really really the case? xD.
First, I will dive into cc65, which intrigues me with what I can achieve on C64, mainly based on C and cross-compilation. To make it usable, I will use a tutorial format so that you can follow my steps.
We will see where it goes :)
My main way to share news about new content will be through my Twitter feed, programmerslog.